Since you are already here, then there is no need to explain what does Garm and К.С.Э. mean... You remember that it means beautiful mountains, fresh air, hot sun, and hot discussions about life, love, science, and politics. It means a lot of Plov, Vodka, friends, soccer matches and singing songs. Maybe, the beautiful mountains and good friends were more important, than seismology.
Thank you for being TOGETHER with us during those happy-happy days! Many-many years have passed, there is no К.С.Э. now, but we still remember Garm, and we still remember you. We still are your friends!
If you would like to add your photos or memoirs to this site, please, write us!
Olga Khalturina & Maya Khalturina
"Слушая пульс Земли". Газета "Коммунист Таджикистана". 22 апреля 1989 года.
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